European College for Yoga and Therapie – Kloster Gerode
Methodology and Science in Yoga
You are learning the integration of theory and practice in the following ways:
- learning through self-observation - learning through practising Vairagya
- learning through your own practice/sadhana and experience
- lectures - learning by attentive listening
- learning to study - through working with the material in a receptive way and contemplating on it
- projects - learning by doing and cooperation
- case studies - learning by observation and analysis
- learning to teach through presentations and feedback
- individual support and guidance
We count on daily continuity and step-by-step progress. The complexity of the teaching contents requires clear communication and feedback, this contact and dialogue make it easier to learn. The way to creative competence in the personal and professional application of Yoga is in essence an individual approach - a characteristic feature in Yoga since its beginnings. Our teaching concept is adjusted to this understanding. We wish for you to get the maximum benefit out of the contents and the methods - as a foundation for your development, personally and professionally.
Yoga is the science of self-discovery and self-realization, it is experiencing and learning about yourself more deeply. Yoga is also a way to a healthier, more fulfilling life, which can bring out the best in everyone. When we harmonize body, breath and mind, we deepen the understanding of ourselves, our body will be healthier, our mind clearer, and we learn to see what is essential, while our heart opens and becomes more receptive.